Виклики інформаційній безпеці людини в умовах гібридної війни проти України
“Until 2014, the term “hybrid warfare” was little known to most Ukrainians, including the media, politicians, and the general public. Basically, only a few researchers in the field of political science and strategic communications, as well as military experts, understood the term. Initially, the concepts of “information warfare,” “information confrontation,” and “information weapons” were more common, although they were often used with a journalistic connotation. However, today the situation has changed dramatically. Ukraine’s state security policy, including information security, is largely based on an understanding of the nature and danger of hybrid warfare as part of full-scale armed aggression. It is important to understand that hybrid warfare involves not only military actions, but also the use of various non-military means and strategies to influence the internal affairs and vulnerabilities of a country. This may include information propaganda, cyberattacks, hybrid influence operations and other means aimed at undermining national security and stability.”
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