Tools of hybrid warfare in the context of armed russian aggression against Ukraine




The use of hybrid warfare tools by the Russian Federation during military actions against Ukraine has been examined. Various aspects of such aggression, including informational campaigns, cyberattacks, political manipulations, and the use of propaganda to achieve strategic objectives, have been analyzed. The impact of these methods on Ukraine's sovereignty and regional stability, with attention to their consequences for international security, has been identified. Conducting an in-depth analysis of current events, several strategies to counter hybrid warfare aimed at strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities and preserving international order have been proposed.

Author Biography

Олександр Володимирович Стецюк

аспірант кафедри політичних наук і права ДЗ “Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського”



How to Cite

Стецюк, О. В. (2023). Tools of hybrid warfare in the context of armed russian aggression against Ukraine. Протидія дезінформації в умовах російської агресії проти України: виклики і перспективи: тези доп. учасників міжн. наук.-практ. конф. (Анн-Арбор - Харків, 12-13 груд. 2023 р.) , 293-296.